So well, you are always there for me. My true companion. Never leaving me alone. Even when I wish you did never exist for me.

Dear Spectacles,
You give me back “ON MY FACE” literally. Last Saturday night when Saurabh was trying to kiss me, you came in between. Why? For what reason? Not once, but twice. Later it just got too awkward and weird. You don’t leave me alone, ever. But hey! I am looking for some other companion too; considering my boyfriends here. Can you give me a break?

Look, I was a child when I really wanted you. Like, maybe in my 6th grade or something. Because then, it was so cool to wear specs in school and look more studious and become teachers favorite. But all that age and phase is past. Darn! I am in college now and you came in so late.

Now I realize, why everybody told me that spectacles are not that cool either. You get wet in the rain, bringing back more than my actual vision problems to me. When I go out to watch 3D movies with my friends, I am always confused with what to do? In the last movie, when it was complete dark, I wore you back and put my 3D glasses on top of you. But, Anuj captured it and they all laugh at me now. And while drinking hot coffee with Saurabh… Damn it! I hate you. He laughed looking at all that fog and mist instead of my eyes. He looked so cute laughing though. *Blush*

But, I hate you. You get stuck in my hair too. What are you so good at after-all?

Yes! I know I can get lenses and everything done but I feel that just doesn’t suit my style anymore. I am so used to you. Sliding you back up from my nose while trying to be bossy, or just grinding in you while reading my favorite book at night. And I feel, even Saurabh finds me cute with specs on. He messaged me last night saying, “Hey! Cute Dorky”. :B

I don’t know, but you put me in a position, I don’t know what to do about.

Anyway, thanks for providing me a not-so-naturally-still-naturally clear vision since 2015. I still hate you!
But, love always!

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